The plot_pyramid
function can be used for plotting age pyramids split by gender. It is
designed to work with un-aggregated data, i.e. patient level linelist
We’ll use the influenza A H7N9 dataset from the {outbreaks}
package for our examples.
# set a ggplot2 theme of your preference
theme_set(theme_light(base_size = 12))
df_flu <- as_tibble(outbreaks::fluH7N9_china_2013)
#> Rows: 136
#> Columns: 8
#> $ case_id <fct> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,…
#> $ date_of_onset <date> 2013-02-19, 2013-02-27, 2013-03-09, 2013-03-1…
#> $ date_of_hospitalisation <date> NA, 2013-03-03, 2013-03-19, 2013-03-27, 2013-…
#> $ date_of_outcome <date> 2013-03-04, 2013-03-10, 2013-04-09, NA, 2013-…
#> $ outcome <fct> Death, Death, Death, NA, Recover, Death, Death…
#> $ gender <fct> m, m, f, f, f, f, m, m, m, m, m, f, f, m, f, m…
#> $ age <fct> 87, 27, 35, 45, 48, 32, 83, 38, 67, 48, 64, 52…
#> $ province <fct> Shanghai, Shanghai, Anhui, Jiangsu, Jiangsu, J…
We can see the data has both an age and gender column, with the
‘levels’ of the latter being "m" and "f"
for male or
To plot the pyramid chart we must supply the age and gender column to
the plot_pyramid
function along with the 2 levels of the
gender column that represent male and female:
A note on missing data: by default a caption will be
added detailing any missing data not represented on the plot. You can
remove this with add_missing_cap = FALSE
. Missing data is
any age that cannot be parsed as a number (including NAs) and/or any
gender that does not match a binary level provided (including NAs).
If make_age_groups = TRUE
(default) the age variable
will be forced into numeric format (if not already) and then binned into
age groups. Change the age breaks with the age_breaks
df = df_flu,
age_col = age,
gender_col = gender,
gender_levels = c("m", "f"),
age_breaks = c(seq(0, 100, 5), Inf) # 5 year intervals to 100 then 100+
Age group labels are formatted by default with
but you can supply your
own labels if required via the age_labels
argument (labels
must be same length as breaks).
Notice all age groups appear on the plot by default, whether there
are any observations of this group or not. To remove groups with no
observations use drop_age_levels = TRUE
If you have data that has already been binned by age and you want to
use these bins, you can pass this column and set
make_age_groups = FALSE
You can facet the graphic by supplying a facet_col
df_flu %>%
mutate(outcome = forcats::fct_explicit_na(outcome, "Unknown")) %>%
age_col = age,
gender_col = gender,
facet_col = outcome, # facet by patient outcome
facet_ncol = 2,
gender_levels = c("m", "f")
There are arguments to format axis and legend labels, as well as add data labels to the plot:
df = df_flu,
age_col = age,
gender_col = gender,
gender_levels = c("m", "f"),
gender_labs = c("Hommes", "Femmes"), # must respect the same order as the breaks
x_lab = "Tranche d'Âge",
y_lab = "Nombre de Personnes",
show_data_labs = TRUE,
add_missing_cap = FALSE # remove caption detailing missing data
Notice smaller value labels are places outside the bar to improve
legibility. You can change the threshold for moving a label with
. The default value is 5. Increasing the
number increases the distance from the max value required to move a
label outside the bar. So if you want to keep all labels inside the
bars, increase to a higher value:
df = df_flu,
age_col = age,
gender_col = gender,
gender_levels = c("m", "f"),
gender_labs = c("Hommes", "Femmes"), # must respect the same order as the breaks
x_lab = "Tranche d'Âge",
y_lab = "Nombre de Personnes",
show_data_labs = TRUE,
lab_nudge_factor = 50 # change from 5 to 50
Although plot_pyramid
has built-in theme defaults,
because the function returns a ggplot object, you can easily reset any
default by adding your own themes, palettes etc to the object:
df = df_flu,
age_col = age,
gender_col = gender,
gender_levels = c("m", "f"),
gender_labs = c("Hommes", "Femmes"), # must respect the same order as the breaks
colours = c("darkcyan", "firebrick"), # change bar colours
x_lab = "Tranche d'Âge",
y_lab = "Nombre de Personnes",
show_data_labs = TRUE,
lab_nudge_factor = 20,
lab_out_col = "white"
) +
hrbrthemes::theme_ft_rc() +
labs(title = "Add a title", subtitle = "and a subtitle") +
legend.position = "top",
axis.text.x = element_blank(),
axis.title.x = element_text(hjust = .5),
axis.title.y = element_text(hjust = .5)